Canning Lines

Zarpac has over twenty-five years of experience designing, integrating and installing full or partial packaging lines for products packed in steel, aluminum and composite cans.
Since the start-up of our first canning line we have successfully completed over 140 complete or partial canning line projects and over one-hundred additional engineering support projects for companies in over twenty countries around the world.
These projects have supported steel, aluminum and composite containers requiring multiple filling and processing technologies including dry products, powdered products, viscous products and liquid products requiring ambient filling, hot filling or retort processing.
Industries we have served and continue to serve include:

- Infant Formula - Powdered
- Personal Care Products
- Air Fresheners
- Home Care Products
- Aerosols
- Pet Food
- Ready-To-Drink Beverages Including Hot Fill & Retorted Products
- Shelf-stable Processed Foods
- Automotive Lubricants

Here is a quick overview of our canning line experience:
- 140 + complete and partial integrated canning lines
- Steel, aluminum and composite cans
- 2-piece and 3-piece aerosol cans
- Container sizes from 3 oz. to 5G (18.9L)
- Cylindrical, round, square, rectangular, tapered and bowl primary package shapes
- Standard ends, sanitary ends, LOE (Large Opening Ends), Lever Ends, Over Caps
- Line speeds from 28 cpm to 1,200 cpm
- Liquid, viscous, dry and powdered products
- Ambient fill, hot fill and cold fill

- Inline and rotary fillers
- Retort processed products
Our canning line customers range from a global Fortune 50 retail packaged goods manufacturer to single location family owned businesses.
Our performance has earned us an enviable book of repeat business as well as great references.
For more information about Zarpac's integrated canning line experience and capabilities, please e-mail us at